Friday, May 3, 2019

A Tale of Two Asses


  1. Great caption! Any chance you could do more Vagina-tf? Preferably hairy vagina's?

    Thank you in advance,
    Best regards,

    1. Thanks, Ano!

      I always have another vagina TF story in the pipeline. I'm not sure about anything in the immediate future, but I have a few rough drafts of ideas/outlines. It's one of my favorite types of TF, so there will always be more eventually.

      You know, I like hairy women too, but when I do body part TF stories, I really like photoshopping eyes onto the body part, and that's not really possible in a hairy vagina TF, which is why I haven't done many of those in a while. But I'll keep that in mind!

  2. Amazing again, love your ass tfs and another cow one was great. Hope there will be some more farty transfromations in the future for some poor souls

    1. Thanks! Don't worry, there's always more farty fates to hand out to deserving souls.

  3. Now that you're doing different types of ass tf, are there any others you're willing to explore? other animals? guys ass?

    1. Sorry, I'm more into femdom than anything, so a guy's ass TF is unlikely. And I'm not really getting anything from imagining doing the whole animal kingdom of ass TFs either, so probably not.

  4. I think Steven is right, cow anus is for poop and farts, as happy as Steven is there is nothing better than being a cow anus.
    Danielle the cow asshole, somehow that sounds wonderful. Would Steven's mother mind casting the spell on me too and turning me into Danielle the Cow After?
