All of my stories are set in the same fictional universe.  This was a decision I made when I first started writing these stories, mostly so that I wouldn't have to waste a bunch of time explaining the "rules" of my transformations over and over again.  You don't need to know any of this stuff to enjoy my stories, but if you're interested, this is my explanation for how things work in the Transanimated universe.


Prior to 2002, the magical communities of the world existed in complete secrecy from society at large.  The vast majority of human beings didn't even know that magic existed, and wizards and witches rarely interacted with the outside world.  However, at the dawn of the new millenium, a radical political movement in the British magical community arose, and in 2002, Britain's magical government passed the Magical Openness Act and announced their existence to the non-magical world in a worldwide press conference.  The rest of the magical governments around the world soon followed Britain's lead, and magic was practiced openly around the world for the first time in human history.

Although mankind's initial reaction was fearful, dissent was soon quelled when it became clear what miraculous technological advances that open wizardry could offer the world.  Magic promised to bring about an end to disease, hunger, and poverty with powers that man had heretofore never dared to dream of.

As the two formerly distinct civilizations began to merge into one, something happened that no one had anticipated.  As they were exposed to magic, many of the non-magical citizens of the world began to spontaneously develop the magical gift themselves.  Strangely, although gender populations had been balanced within magical communities, women were about 100 times more likely to experience this sudden magical evolution than men were.

Seemingly overnight, the balance of power between genders was radically overturned.  Patriarchies became matriarchies, and men were made to pay for their countless centuries of cruelty towards women.  Many new witches openly tormented men who displeased them with their new-found powers, and the governments of the world, already heavily manipulated by witchcraft, developed legal loopholes through which these sadistic magical acts would be tolerated and even rewarded.

Today, witches control almost everything.  The New York Times has been supplanted by the New Magic Times, a publication that pushes a pro-magic agenda.  The governments of the world have all been infiltrated by witches, and anti-magic legislation has virtually no hope of passage anywhere on earth.  Cruel and sadistic use of transformation magic against non-magical citizens is common, and law enforcement bodies refuse to intervene.

The world belongs to the witches.


New witches often begin their training by learning the basics of transformation magic.  However, the transformation of human beings is a highly complex art, and many facets of transformation magic are misunderstood even by relatively experienced witches.  What follows is a brief explanation of the basics of human transformation.


The magical transformation of an object into another object is simple, but transforming a human being is complicated by the human soul.  It is common for novice witches to be unaware of the intrinsic difficulties of transforming a human being into an object, leading to unintentionally irreversible transformations.

The human soul is composed of the trinity of mind, spirit, and form.  The mind contains a person's personality and memories, the spirit contains a person's magical life-energy, and the form contains an imprint of a person's physical manifestation.  If a transformation victim is to be returned to their original form, their soul's form must have been left intact and unaltered by the spell that transformed them.

A reversible transformation must impose a change on the victim's body without altering the victim's soul.  Many of the most simple transformation spells - those spells intended to be used on objects rather than people - do not do this.  Instead, the victim's soul is torn apart in the transformation process, and only the mind is left intact, permanently implanted in the physical object that the victim has been transformed into.  Without the rest of the soul to hold the mind together, any attempt to remove the victim's mind from the object, or to magically transform the victim into a different object, will result in the victim's mind falling apart and ceasing to exist.  Therefore, the transformation is irreversible.

However, even reversible transformations may become irreversible unless extreme precautions are taken to prevent instabilities.  Many transformations can become permanent if the victim experiences pleasure or pain of sufficient intensity.  Rather than destroying the victim's soul, the soul's form is simply overwritten with the victim's new form.  In essence, oftentimes against the victim's will, the victim's soul embraces its new form and discards the old one, rendering the transformation irreversible.  Victims whose transformations are rendered irreversible in this manner usually find themselves beginning to think like the objects they've become and embracing their new roles, no matter how humiliating or disgusting they might be.  Initially, this process is often extremely distressing and humiliating to the victims, although in the long run it makes it much easier for them to accept their new reality.

In some cases, transformation instabilities are considered desirable, such as in food or body part transformations. Witches who transform victims into their own body parts often use transformations that are initially reversible.  However, extreme sensations will give rise to instabilities that culminate not in the rewriting of the victim's soul's form, but rather in the consumption of the victim's soul by the witch's soul.  The witch's soul takes the victim's spirit for herself, allowing her to gain the victim's life-energies and thus grow more powerful.  The victim's form is simply discarded, and the victim's mind takes up residence within the witch's soul, forever helpless, subservient, and implanted in the witch's chosen body part.  These victims also find themselves beginning to think like the body parts they've become; however, in this case, it is not because their souls' forms are dictating their behavior, but rather, because they have no forms or souls of their own, and the witches' souls in which they reside are impressing their new roles upon them.

Likewise, witches who transform hapless victims into food often use transformations that are initially reversible.  However, the digestion process then tears apart the victim's soul, annihilating the soul's form and digesting the soul's spirit.  Through this process, the witch consumes the soul's spirit and gains the victim's life-energies for herself, growing more powerful; the victim's mind is often simply implanted in the physical waste product and expelled, leaving the victim to experience an eternity as the witch's feces or urine.  These victim's minds no longer reside in souls of any kind, and so these victims do not experience the drive towards acceptance that other victims of irreversible transformation may experience.  Instead, existence as feces or urine will likely remain a disgusting, hellish nightmare for them for the remainder of their existences.  However, in some cases, the victim's mind is instead implanted in the food material that is stored in the witch's body as a fat deposit.  In these cases, the victim's mind is usually subsumed by the witch's soul, just as victims of body part transformations are.  These victims will begin to think like fat deposits and accept their humiliating new reality.

The aforementioned simple transformation spells, those intended for objects that destroy the victim's soul outright and preserve only the victim's mind, are universally considered the cruelest of transformations.  A victim transformed into a humiliating object using such a spell - say, a toilet, or a tampon - will never learn to take pleasure in their vile new existence.  Not only that, but such victims are usually unable to speak - see the following section for more details - and therefore are unable to give voice to their misery. Furthermore, the victims of such transformation spells, no longer possessing complete souls, will not possess afterlives of any kind. More on this subject will be discussed later.


If a person is transformed into an object that usually cannot speak, the transformed person will not be able to speak either, unless additional steps are taken in the design of the transformation spell. There are generally two methods for giving victims transformed into objects a voice: a witch can give the victim a physical voice or a magical voice.

Spells that give the transformation victim a physical voice essentially magically construct some mechanism by which the victim can create physical speech by creating sound waves in the air, not unlike humans do. Objects with magical voices will often pick up strange quirks based on what they've transformed into, unless the witch specifically designs the spell to prevent this. For example, a person transformed into an anus or buttocks may sound like their voices are made of farts (or, similarly, a person transformed into a vagina may sound like their voice is made of queefs). A person transformed into a toilet may speak in a watery gurgle. Victims transformed into small objects will often have high-pitched, squeaky voices. In all of these cases, if the vocalization spells are poorly designed, the victim's speech may be totally unintelligible, resulting in an anus that can only make fart sounds when it tries to talk, or a toilet that can only make bubble noises. Note that the witch may often find this outcome desirable for the purpose of humiliating her victim; in such cases, she will intentionally design her vocalization spell to perform poorly.

Because transformed objects with physical voices are simply producing sound waves like a human being does, anyone can hear their voices, including non-magical persons within earshot of the object.
Therefore, if a witch wishes to limit the people who can hear the transformed object's voice, a physical voice method will be undesirable. However, if the witch, for whatever reason, desires non-magical persons to hear her object's voice, the physical voice method is by far the simplest and cheapest method to achieve this.

Another consequence of the physical nature of the object's voice is that it can be muffled, much in the same way a human's voice can be muffled. For example, a victim transformed into a dildo or a tampon will become unintelligible once they are inserted into a witch's vagina, muffled by the witch's vaginal walls and fluids. Similarly, a victim transformed into a butt plug will a have their voice muffled by the rectum, and any feces contained within the rectum, once inserted into a witch's anus. A witch who wishes to hear her object's voice when it is inserted into a poor acoustic environment will want to avoid the physical voice method.

Spells that give the victim a magical voice do not enable the object to create sound waves. Instead, the object is given the ability to speak to nearby persons using a weak version of telepathy. Because the voice isn't physically real, it can "sound" however the witch desires it to sound; in the simplest magical voice spells, the object's voice will simply sound like the victim imagined their voice to sound when they were a human. Note that this can often be quite different than the victim actually sounded in their former lives, as most people do not have an accurate conception of the way their voice sounds to others (even if they frequently hear recordings of their voice, most people do not imagine that they sound that way in their internal monologue). However, witches will often design their magical voice spells to dramatically change the sound of their victim's voice to better match the object they've been transformed into.

Non-magical people cannot typically hear

[Unfinished.  To be continued, maybe...]


  1. Oh I really hope you can continue this entry, I would LOVE to hear more!

  2. Excellent world building! I’d love to see it continue.
